Friday, July 25, 2008

RIP Randy Pausch

This Friday, I worked until about 4 PM.
While I was at work I read about Randy Pausch, a professor that passed away on this day. I watched his famous last lecture. Randy Pausch was someone who knew how to live and how to have fun. He did things in his life that will be giving back for years to come. He was able to deliver a high energy speech that became a best seller while still knowing he had a very limited amount of time to live.

I headed straight home where I met up with a friend of mine who is also battling cancer. He hasn't accepted any doctor's prediction on how long he is going to live though. We didn't do much of anything really. We hung around the house and talked some. I was a bit high strung and nervous talking about the recent days events at times I found myself practically yelling. I caught myself doing this, and when I apologized to my friend he understood. He said he has found himself doing the same thing in the past. I had too much nervous energy flowing. I finally took my regular dose of medication to calm myself down a bit. Later on that night, I got very sleepy and laid down hungry. I was more sleepy than I was hungry, because it was the next morning before I woke up.

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