Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Step By Step Wednesday

I keep taking a step at a time.

I know I can't just be at my final destination without the journey.

I tried to improve the business cards I have at work because my assistant said it looked off balance. I messed with it for a long while trying to make something look better. I finally quit saying "If it doesn't fit, then I must quit!" I just couldn't fit everything into the template without making the info tiny.

Someone gave me a couple of CDs today that I might be able to use to rebuild an old laptop. One has a pretty deep gouge in it, but I am hopeful that it will work anyways.

This could be my ticket to having a Windows XP system at home again.
I may invest in an external sound card because the sound card currently sounds distorted on quite a bit of stuff.

We will see how it all goes.

I am hopeful that I get a paycheck tomorrow.

My cash flow is very low.

I want to keep some of it in the bank for emergency.
I also need to pay down some of my huge pile of credit card debt.

I need to be looking for better opportunity for making some money on the side if I am going to keep this job up.

I try to stay focused. I keep getting the message if I focus on the strength of God and my purpose, then all will be in divine order.

With about 15 minutes till 5, I wrap thing up at the office.

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