Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dead Ant

I killed an ant today.
I saw it crawling around in my apartment. It really did nothing wrong.....other than invading my apartment.
I spared the other two ants I saw. One I showed the dead ant to went running out of the apartment into his little hiding place somewhere behind the walls or under the carpet.

I am sure all the dead ant saw was crevice that lead to food, and then some huge giant squashing him for no real purpose really.
i guess I should call an exterminator.....and then instead of killing one by one, I can get them all.

The sad thing is I didn't really want to kill that ant.

I guess in some strange way i felt i was protecting my bird, who's food they were after.

Thats also one reason i am afraid of pesticides around here, because birds are quite sensitive to that.

This makes me want to find real deterrents (almost spelled it deter ants) to keep them out of harms way, but still allow them to live their mysterious existence.

What is the purpose of an ant?

To make us feel big and powerful?

Maybe I should buy a home for my ants....a little ant farm.

(Metaphorically speaking)
I somewhat feel like an ant in this world. Sometimes I feel I am about to be squashed by the giants.
Maybe I will be one that is spared. Then I will have to deal with the horrific aftermath of the ants that do get squashed.

Long live the queen!

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