Sunday, March 2, 2008


Today was a very cloudy day. I slept too much perhaps. Yesterday I missed a church function and today I missed church. My mind was about as cloudy as the weather. I felt a bit lonely, but motivated to make some new friends. I am still exercising caution as usual. I lack energy. I know I am not the only one with that problem today, but it seems extreme with me today. I am so sluggish but I think it is because I ran on hyper drive for so long that when I was finally medicated to slow down a bit I needed some rest. I hope for that balance of happiness, peacefulness, and calmness while still having energy to perform the necessary tasks that lay in front of me.

Oh so another lonely night. I am thankful for my bird. He keeps me company.
Ah, I know where I am at, and I know where I am going.

Good things are to come.
Love cannot be rushed.

I am thankful that I have a job.
I am getting ready for another work week.
I finally escaped for a bit though! Finally!

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