Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sleepy Sunday

I woke up in time for church. I went to church It was a nice service of a theatrical expression of a segment of the bible our congregation was studying. I stayed for the meeting and and found that that the proposed move to a smaller facility was canceled. Once the meeting was adjourned, I stayed and talked with a friend a bit. After church, I wanted to take advantage of the nice warmer weather to go for a bike ride. Unfortunately, my stomach was too upset for a comfortable ride, so I didn't go. I went to CVS to get some feel better stuff.

If I don't get my sleep, I wind up with a involuntary mandatory nap. I was out too late, didn't sleep well or long, so I guess it was to be expected. After I woke up from it I spilled the coke I was using to wake me up all over myself as I was dozing off again. I just took a Zyrtec for my allergies for the first time, and I had crashed out earlier without it. I hope I don't just crash right out again!
Monday Monday is not far away.

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