Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cash Crunch

I called my boss this morning to ask him when I could count on having my paycheck.
I knew it wasn't late or anything, but I have bills that must be paid and I have to get the check to the bank and have it counted towards what I can pay out.
He said he just got back into town late the night before, so he would be comming in the next morning with it. I told him OK. He could hear the stressed tone in my voice obiously, because he came that day and brought up my check. Plus, he gave me a fairly large bonus check to help me get back on track. Thank God for that.

My friend offered me a ride home in a cab, so I took it.
Got home lightining fast, but wasn't able to go to the bank.
Not time to make it to the bank before they closed.
I made an attempt, but I showed up 40 min after they closed.
Without a vehicle, it is difficult to work normal hours and make it to a good bank to deposit your check! I figure I will take care of it on the way to work the next morning or on the way back from work.

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