Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Long Day

Today I woke up really early beacause I went to bed really early last night.
I didn't have to be at work until noon, but I came in a little early.
I trained my help at work on some things.
Got some work done.

Got a few projects from people that are much more involved than they realize.
I have someone that gave me a list of over 150 zip codes I had to type in to get a list of only 11 people that fit his criteria.

Anyways... Only about 45 minutes of this stuff and then I can go home for a few minutes and get ready for working at the grocery store for a few hours.

What fun.

Long day.

Only one of these long days a week though, so its not too bad.

I wonder who will be elected...ho hum. I couldn't even decide! I never want any of the candidates in there really.

I just don't want the troops spit on when we pull out!

I'll just keep my head in the sand.

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