Sunday, March 9, 2008

Lazy Sunday

I upped my anti-anxiety meds a bit...and ZONKED the F out man!
I take it around 10 am and 10 PM.
I got up around 9 piddled around the house a bit and
It was too late for me to make it comfortably to church, so I kinda blew that off.
by 10 I took my meds and ZONK.
Next thing I knew I realized I stayed in bed till 5 PM!


I got up and did a little laundry, a little bit or organizing. I went to my car to clean it out, and I couldn't believe it....I found my 2006 taxes! Arg, I didn't have to pay tax act for another copy, I didn't have to pay Randall's for another copy...but it had already been done. Ah the irony!

Well anyways, I wanted to do some more sorting through coupons and stuff.
I have a huge mess of clothes that need to be given back to the right people, clothes that need to be donated to charity, clothes that need to be washed and hung back up, coupons that need to be trimmed out and sorted and expired coupons that need to be thrown away.

I got started around 7:30 and I couldn't make myself stop. It was 11 PM before I stopped.

I went over to watch a movie with a couple of friends. It was one I rented that I thought would be more of a mystery thriller type, turns out the gore was more than any of us were ready to take. "I know who killed me" A woman was gagged, drugged, and tortured in the movie. The guy that was torturing her clamped dry ice on the top and bottom of her hand and destroyed it. It was just too sick. We all almost vomited then and ejected the DVD and played Super Bad. Much more entertaining to us.

I went home and went to bed.

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