Thursday, March 6, 2008

Insane Productivity

It allways seems that when the work does come in, it comes in all at once and is expected to be produced at once.

We will go days with very little activity. The most excitement is a paper jam or a fax that didn't have a cover sheet on it.

Today, however was one of those days when I received a 4 lists of 25 people to send postcards to that I had to decipher and input into spreadsheets, had to send 40 personal intro letters with folded inserts on brochures, help produce reports for the managers to give them an birds-eye view of what is going on, and had over 100 personal brochures to print for an agent, look up 100 prospects for 4 people and provide lists for them. I did the usual daily moving around the thousands of sheets of paper to all the copiers and printers in the office . An amazing amount of productivity 40 Letters folded in envelopes with postage sent 75 post cards made from scratch, 400 prospects looked up and reporting done. I go so much done. When I bragged to my boss what all I got done in one day, his response was it should be that way every day.

God I need a place where I am appreciated more.

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