Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bills getting paid! Car Started!

We recently lost power in an electrical storm.

When I set the clock on my stereo that wakes me up, I had AM and PM mixed up on it.
I woke up 20 minutes before I needed to take that a cab that my neighbor and I were going to share to work.

I didn't shower, shave, or anything... barely dragged a comb across my head. Took a pill or two, grabbed a cereal bar, and went running for the door.

I got to work and fought with Outlook settings and such.
It took lots of time from my day, but I think it will in the end pay off very nicely.

My friend went home before I did because Friday is Good Friday and they closed their offices early. I turned down his offer to send a cab for me. I thought I would just jump on a bus and go to the bank and make that deposit and then figure out how to get home. I got engrossed it work..and worked 15 minutes late. OOPS!! I went running for the bus... Got on the off at Walnut Hill and ran up the service road to Meadow. I made it to the bank 5 minutes before they closed and got my checks depositied. I got back on a bus to go home and the routes had changed teribly. It used to be an almost straight shot home, but now its a big loop and took an additional 40 min or so to get home. I left work at 5:11 and got home at almost 7:30 and all I did was make a deposit at the bank.

When I got off the bus, I was quite lucky. I saw a neighbor I recognized. I said hello and he looked at me puzzled wondering how I knew his name, and why I was walking. I explained my car wouldn't start and I didn't know if it was the battery or the starter or a flywheel or what, and I haven't had any help to get the bolts removed to open the hood (since the accident) and what not. Bob was so nice, we walked to my car and took a look at it. He went and got his tools and offered to charge my battery. I decided that it would take much less time, and the results would be more dependable if I got another new battery. I couldn't remember when I bought that battery. We put the battery in my car and she cranked right up :) AHHHH. So nice being able to drive!

I got home and began paying bills. Finally a little less stress!

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