Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Well Easter Sunday.
Great day.

Great reason to celebrate!

I went to church. It was nice. Not especially beautiful, but nice. I did feel the Holy Spirit though, so that's all that really matters, right??

Got together with my mom and brother and my great aunt and her husband and a cousin and her daughter and her boyfriend for a little Easter Dinner. It was nice. They wanted to play a gambling game (just poker chips no money involved), and I reluctantly played a bit. I had tried to bow out of the game, but they weren't letting me to easily. They got me so frustrated I was ready to scream. They all chastised me about my little claustrophobic panic attack. I didn't stay much longer. Despite that little bit of uncomfortableness , it was a fairly pleasant visit. There was a hue of sadness though because what we normally do, we didn't do because of my grandfather's current physical health. I can't say it is declining though thank God!

I went home to rest up for work.

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