Monday, February 4, 2008

Not Busy Enough

Today, I am just not busy enough.

I got a phone call early this morning because my boss was looking for a part we need for our color printer at work. It frustrated me because I know I ordered that part on Monday of last week, and we still don't have it. The garbage cans are overflowing in my apartments, I need to sign my lease but they haven't typed it up yet. It is aggravating to me that I try so hard to be so efficient and get so much work done, and I still end up with these big lulls and I see piles of work laying around that are not my responsibility. Hours pass with nothing significant transpiring.

Oh well.
So another day passes.

At least it Monday, half price pizza night at Two Rows.

All I want is some steady workflow!


1 comment:

Ella said...

This too shall pass. I just hope you used FedEx. Floating Soul - - just go with the flow. Life is ebbs and flows, peeks and valleys plus some things can always, always be worse.

Remember it's Monday... a down day for everyone. Cool blog.

Peace Out,
