Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Doctor! Doctor! Help Me!

All weekend long, I tried to let go of all of this stress, and it just wasn't happening.
Breathe....walk....talk it out......Go to Church...
Still have a rapid heart beat, still have a high blood pressure.

I remembered the words when my doctor saw how keyed up I was when I went in for an upper respiratory infection a while back. He noticed my anxiety. He said when you are ready for help, come see me. I finally did. I called first thing in the morning and got a work in appointment. When my boss asked me when I was going to come in to have a little chat about the crap that hit the fan in the office, I told him I was on the way to see my doctor. I told him my blood pressure had been out of control all weekend and I didn't want to have a stroke in front of him. My doctor evaluated me and asked all kinds of very important questions. I told him much of it was temporary stress, but my body's physical reactions to it was over-amplified. He asked if I was depressed, and I told him reasonably so. When he asked what that meant, I told him if I didn't shed a tear or two after all of what I have gone through recently, I would think that something was wrong. Some of the reactions have been over amplified though and I need help with that. I have been over defensive in certain situation. He made the decision to give me something to cool my jets just a little bit. I started with a low dose and it has helped. I think I will be getting up to a higher dose soon.

I came in and discussed what the main concerns were in the office.
My boss said that I had put in enough good credits to get a second chance (and he also recognized the fact that his whole operations would really be hindered if I wasn't here to keep it going)

So, I got to keep my job and my pride!

Imagine that!

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