Monday, February 11, 2008

Banks, Credit Card Companies and the such.

It is horrifying how the banks have gotten lately.
If you screw up one bit, they tear you apart.
For example:

The savings account that my father helped me set up as a little boy was swallowed up by Viewpoint. They added fees to my savings account and took small fees out of my account till it was all gone while sending the statements to my old address (parents) Father I had updated it online.

I closed an account from one bank because they ruthlessly charged me hundreds of dollars in fees in overdrafts in one day when I was able to cover it from other accounts. At first notice I tried to take care of it. The fees they charged me forced me to come up with more money to get my account in good order.

I closed that account. A scheduled payment online didn't go through because it (or I) remembered the wrong a account to pay from.

This cost me $39 in fees. (CITIBANK)
Plus, the refused to let me pay them online for one month and would accept a payment over the phone for a fee.

I mailed in my payment ON TIME because when I made the mistake I was paying my account EARLY and I had time to mail in a payment before the DUE DATE.

They called my account a delinquent account despite all my efforts to pay my bills and spiked my interest rate to 29% from 5%!

Thank God I got them to back off some, but they threaten ONE slip up returned check or missed payment it goes right to 29% for six months NO EXCEPTIONS!

I can just hear them saying "Toe the line bitch!"though I never heard it for my own ears.

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