Sunday, February 24, 2008

Be Still & Ride it out

I have come dangerously close to loosing my job.
I have lost my cool in some really ridiculous situations at work.
My stress levels have been off the charts.
My blood pressure and hear rate have been up.
I went out for a bike ride and rode it out some today.

The sermon today at church hit so close to home. The sermon almost seemed like it was written just for me, though I know of others that came up to my pastor and told him how it shed some light on some of their situations as well.

There were three bullet points of the sermon that really spoke to me.

In a stressful situation:
Do Not Be Afraid
Stand Strong

And know that God will lead you through.

When things get ridiculous I have a tendency to get a little upset. I need to learn to let that go. I cannot take any of this stuff personally. It is unnecessary stressful energy. There are battles I can not fight that I have to turn over to God.

I pray for peace tonight.

I thank God for my church family and those who stand by me and pray with me.

I pray that I find peace and that I let go of any anger or animosity built up in me. I also pray that others around me do to.

Beautiful Saviour Wonderful King

Oh Praise Him Alleluia

I Believe In Love!

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