Wednesday, February 20, 2008

At my post

I woke up early to see if I could get some testing done. Turns out I got there when the window opened, but testing didn't begin till 3. I had to be at work at that point, so I left. I went to get my haircut and found out I was there too early. My neighbor called and needed a ride in 15 min. I hurried down the highway accepting the fact it was a wasted trip pushing through traffic. I got my friend to work and got back home and finished working on some laundry.
I made it to work before I had to be there.

In the evening, I was at my post and on the ball as well.
I remembered that I had the cashier position I was supposed to go to.
I showed up on time, dressed appropriately, with a name tag, and did a great job.
I even saw an old neighbor and made some people smile.

Thank God I made it through another day.

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