Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Counting Pills and Keeping Cool

Well, I had gone in to see the doctor and got some pills and the perscription was faxed into my local pharmacy.
I counted what I had left to see if I had perhaps forgotten that I took one.
I discovered that there were 30 pills missing.

I called one of my good friends and told her I really didn't think she or her friend took any, but I wanted to make sure that was the case.
She assured me that neither of them did.

I called the pharmacy and told them that the bottle said there should be 60, I took 4 and there were only 26 left. This led me to believe that they shorted me by 30 pills.

The pharmacist said that they believed they had made a mistake. They gave me the remainder of the pills. Then I pulled out a cupon that they said I could use after the fact so that I would go ahead and pay for the pills. I got a 25 dollar gift card for the store I bought my 29 dollar perscription at. Hows about that???

I even made it to a gift shop to give a close co-worker a going away card and willow sculpture. She acted like she really appreciated it.

I made it to work and I did a fine job.

I remained calm and when my boss raised his voice at me I calmly told him he was and that I was going to take one of those 15 min breaks we talked about and I did...and then we handled the situation fine.

Ahhh... This is going to be a long haul, but I am in for it!

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