Saturday, February 9, 2008

Just what I needed

I got just what I needed at work. More hours.

The only thing that bothers me is now I must get there earlier and can't be gone long if I leave for lunch. I never charged for time I wasn't there, but sometimes I would be gone for a bit longer than 45 min for a lunch sometimes. Traffic would screw it up sometimes. Sometimes I need to escape and regroup an come back to something. I just feel a bit tied down, while my boss gets to go on a on multiple vacations a year and show up at work for a few hours twice a week and make much more than me. Honestly, that probably bugs me the most. I don't get paid holidays, vacations, or any benefits of the sort and they are tying me down. The thing I take comfort in is I know this to shall pass. My own business is going to provide the freedom I am looking for. I will win my battles. I just have to choose them carefully!

I know that God is near.

I know what I want is just. I want what will help everyone involved. Win-Win baby!

God will provide.


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