Thursday, February 21, 2008

Time Crunch - Crunch Time

Now that my schedule has changed up a bit, I have to make sure I get to work at 8:30 AM twice a week. It was so much easier to make it at 9 AM! It took half the time and frustration, literally! Oh well, at least it is the difference of seven and fifteen minutes we are talking about. Thank God I live so close to work.

I love my job, but I need more money. I keep looking for realistic opportunities so that when I go to the negotiating table, I have something to haggle with. It is easier to walk away when you are not being compensated enough when a much better opportunity exists. It is a bit crazy though. It is difficult to know what is a good fit until you have made the switch. I got one response from a very large company. I almost had to laugh because the opportunity they were speaking of and telling me I was a good fit for pays about seven times what I make now!

I have left a good position with minimal pay to start working at a much better salary, only to realize that it wasn't a good fit and go a while without being able to find a good fit again.
I actually took my old job back once it finally became available several months later. I am cautious and I won't jump till I know the bungee cord is in place or it is a nice pool of deep enough water I am jumping into!

I know I need more. Plain and simple, it costs quite a bit to live in Dallas, and it was where I was born so I refuse to leave! All I want is to find that position that pays me well enough to survive and work myself out of the debt I have accumulated through these economic downturns and lack of work.

So I blog away at work, with little to do.

Ho Hum.

I am building an empire in the background though! That may pay out and be more secure than any other offer I find out there!


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