Friday, February 22, 2008

Please Pass the Patron

Friday, I had my boss and my boss's boss simultaneously yelling at me. The thing that got me most upset is that neither of them truly knew the whole story.

As soon as I got out of work, I dropped a friend of and went to go get some testing done.

I drove through all kinds of crazy traffic and made it to my testing site.

They were very nice and that was the most pleasant experience I think I have had all week.

My friend called me and told me he was in the area and asked if he should drop by.

I said sure, but I am not home yet. I made it home fairly soon and we went out to eat.

Afterwards, some other friends showed up and I talked to them about what all went down at work.

When they went on, I was still fuming about work.

I went wandering around my apartment complex and ended up in the country club.

I went up to my favorite bar tender and said
"I need a shot of Patron! It's been that good a day"

about two minutes later

"I need a shot of Patron! It's been that good a day"

Ahh, I could finally think about something else!

I met up with some friends I had met before, played a couple of rounds of pool, and got to know some neighbors better. The night just got lots better.

That crazy day was nothing two shots of Patron couldn't fix!!

But my empty stomach didn't like it as much as I did!

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