Monday, March 31, 2008

Peaceful Monday- Happy Surprise!

So far, this Monday has been pretty peaceful.

I checked up on my assistant and she had plenty of work to keep her busy.
I came in and fixed up some things that were nit picking things really.
I was having some troubles with outlook settings, but I found a Microsoft article that told me which registry keys to delete.
Got her fixed up!

Not much to do today, although I know there will be tons of work to be done very soon.

I sat down and re-worked my taxes. I had the incorrect standard deduction down, so rather than owning the IRS, the IRS actually owes me a bit! PRAISE GOD!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sleepy Sunday

I woke up in time for church. I went to church It was a nice service of a theatrical expression of a segment of the bible our congregation was studying. I stayed for the meeting and and found that that the proposed move to a smaller facility was canceled. Once the meeting was adjourned, I stayed and talked with a friend a bit. After church, I wanted to take advantage of the nice warmer weather to go for a bike ride. Unfortunately, my stomach was too upset for a comfortable ride, so I didn't go. I went to CVS to get some feel better stuff.

If I don't get my sleep, I wind up with a involuntary mandatory nap. I was out too late, didn't sleep well or long, so I guess it was to be expected. After I woke up from it I spilled the coke I was using to wake me up all over myself as I was dozing off again. I just took a Zyrtec for my allergies for the first time, and I had crashed out earlier without it. I hope I don't just crash right out again!
Monday Monday is not far away.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

A little bit of exercise

(catchup posting day too vague)

Today, I didn't to a whole lot.
One thing I did do was some laundry and lots of crunches and situps.
I woke up a little early, hung out by myself for a bit... went for a drive to Garland for a surprise visit to see my parents, but to my suprise they weren't there. I came home and crashed a bit. Stayed up a little late with friends.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Whoo Hoo It's Friday

Well Friday was a very busy day. I didn't make it to work a minute early thats for sure. I got lots of post cards printed up. I got some mailings out. I stayed busy. A friend came by after work. We hung out for a bit. I went over to see a friend and wee hung out a bit a and watched a BluRay movie for the first time. The one we watched was Across the Universe. It was a pretty neat musical with Beatles music. I was distracted by conversation.
I stayed out very late. A friend called and said she might drop by after about 2AM, but they didn't do it.
I was it bed around 3 AM I guess.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Busy Busy

Well, this Thursday was pretty busy. The biggest project that kept me going in circles was printing about 330 double sided postcards on card stock. Before I went to print, I had to decide if it was worth wasting twice as much paper and only print the postcards 1 up with 4 cuts required. The same number of cuts would have been required if we were able to print them two up and the quality of the print would have gone down considerably. I just over thought the project I guess, because when it came down to it, I just had to print it just as it was set up. I don't have the capability taking vectors out of PDF documents and dropping them into a page layout program at work, as a matter of fact, unless you call a word processing program Microsoft Word a page layout program, I don't have a page layout program at work.
I didn't have enough stock to print the project either. I ordered the rest of the stock I needed to print the project and printed one side on the stock that I had.

I was also trying to figure out where the binding supplies were that I ordered last week. They should have been here on Monday, but they did not show up. They finally did show up, and I saw there was a mix up on printing the label, they had the address just slightly wrong.

I had also tons of intro letter mailings to print and get ready for the mail.

Busy Busy Busy day.

I was all stressed out when I got home. My friend Bob came by and we went out for dinner. We went to a place in Lower Greenville we had never been to. This was a neat little restaurant where the owner was the waitress, cleanup, and the cook!

It was good stuff.

They don't open till 8PM
La Casita Mexican Restaurant and Bar 1908 Greenville Ave Dallas, TX 214-821-8151

We went out to a club and hung out to a bit afterwards.

It was a very nice relaxing night out on the town.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bang Bang Slam Crash BAM

Well that's one way to wake up.

It would have been good if the apartments gave me some notice they were destroying and rebuilding the balcony above me. I had to spend a little time re-assuring my bird that everything was cool, cause it was some loud stuff. When someone puts a ladder right outside your window and climbs up with sledgehammer in the morning, you should get some notice. That's my humble personal opinion. I took a couple chairs I had on the patio and took them inside.

Work is not bad. Not too much to do it seems. More work will be coming in soon I am sure.

I am sitting here at work blasting praise and worship to myself trying to stay focused.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Another Long Day

Well Tuesday is the day that I get to sleep in a bit and rest up for a long work day.

I wound up waking up right at 8:30, remoting in to the work computer to help my assistant get some new names loaded into the mailing system. I showered and called Zen salons to see if I could set up an appointment. They had an opening in 30 min. I told them I could make it by then and there would be no way I would forget where I was going. (being that I missed my last two appointments) I made it to my appointment. My hair stylist asked if I had had a long night...I wasn't sure what he was asking at first...then he said you seem tired. I said oh well, I just stay this way. Right now I am just really relaxed and there is nothing wrong with that. I don't go into work till noon and then I work till 5 and then again at 6:45 - 9 :45.
I have about 45 minutes left of this day here.
It has been busy. I have gotten lots of stuff done. Moved around paper, changed out toner cartridges, put postage on outgoing mail, printed summary reports for the boss man to do billing from.

45 Min, then I get to drive home...and then throw my shirt in the dryer and hope it dries in time.

Got it done. Made it through traffic record speed. Got pissed off at three drivers that cut across the median on the on ramp cutting across the service road. I was safe, no one got hurt, but man I got pissed. Made it home got my shirt dry, made it to work on time. Stayed a few minutes late cause they were short handed at the time I was scheduled to get out of work. I had empathy for the manager that is working two jobs and more hours than I trying to pay off his medical bills.
AHHH! Long day.

The terrible truth of it is though, I am not officially getting more than 33 hours a week in total!

I just want to consolidate my work. I am so efficient that if consolidated, I could make some good money for myself and those I am working for.

I won't give up on this pipe dream!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday Monday

Today I got to work all day as my mother requested the morning off.
I made it to work about 10 min late. I had a difficult time waking up this morning.

Not much work coming in when I did get in.
Doing some cleaning and straighting and organizing and such.
My boss was upset about his contract with one of his information sources. They are putting too many restrictions on his look ups. He was extremely displeased with them, but there was nothing I could do for him on that.

I wrote some new reports in access to help me keep track with these periodic mailings I am doing.
Took a lunch break and actually got away for a few minutes.
It is just not worth it really though, with the cost of gas and the cost of getting out there people on the roads are dangerous! (Myself included)

Counting down only another hour.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Well Easter Sunday.
Great day.

Great reason to celebrate!

I went to church. It was nice. Not especially beautiful, but nice. I did feel the Holy Spirit though, so that's all that really matters, right??

Got together with my mom and brother and my great aunt and her husband and a cousin and her daughter and her boyfriend for a little Easter Dinner. It was nice. They wanted to play a gambling game (just poker chips no money involved), and I reluctantly played a bit. I had tried to bow out of the game, but they weren't letting me to easily. They got me so frustrated I was ready to scream. They all chastised me about my little claustrophobic panic attack. I didn't stay much longer. Despite that little bit of uncomfortableness , it was a fairly pleasant visit. There was a hue of sadness though because what we normally do, we didn't do because of my grandfather's current physical health. I can't say it is declining though thank God!

I went home to rest up for work.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Saturday before Easter

Today was a day of rest. I was feeling anxious waiting for my friends to go home to have some time alone. I hadn't had time alone since before I had left for work friday morning. Finally a little freedom around 3 PM or so, but then I went up to the country club not too many hours after and hung out with some people over there. Saw my good neighbor and met some new friends. Shot a few games of pool. Not too bad. Though the memories were eluding me a bit. Drinky Drinky not goood! Stayed out till nearly 2 AM.
It was nice really. Good weekend.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Friday Night Party On

This Friday was pretty cool. I was pretty busy at work really, but not too bad. My friend came over with his projector and a blue man group DVD. We hooked it up and watched it on my wall. A couple of other friends came over. We had a pretty good time. I passed out a little early, and my friend escorted out my two nocturnal friends to their vehicles.

Back On Track

Well, I feel like I am back on progressive track now finally.

It has been a rough ride.
I am way behind on my blog.
I am going to have to search deep within my brain to fill in some blanks.

This morning I woke up and I had about 45 minutes before I had to be at work.
I had left my stereo in a mode that kept it from waking me up.
I rushed for a shower and a quick gulp of coffee and headed out the door.
Today, I got in my car and it started and I drove to work. I was glad about that.
THANK GOD (and BOB) my car able to get me to work this morning.

Fairly busy at work.

Getting things done.
The weekend is approaching very quickly :)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Bills getting paid! Car Started!

We recently lost power in an electrical storm.

When I set the clock on my stereo that wakes me up, I had AM and PM mixed up on it.
I woke up 20 minutes before I needed to take that a cab that my neighbor and I were going to share to work.

I didn't shower, shave, or anything... barely dragged a comb across my head. Took a pill or two, grabbed a cereal bar, and went running for the door.

I got to work and fought with Outlook settings and such.
It took lots of time from my day, but I think it will in the end pay off very nicely.

My friend went home before I did because Friday is Good Friday and they closed their offices early. I turned down his offer to send a cab for me. I thought I would just jump on a bus and go to the bank and make that deposit and then figure out how to get home. I got engrossed it work..and worked 15 minutes late. OOPS!! I went running for the bus... Got on the off at Walnut Hill and ran up the service road to Meadow. I made it to the bank 5 minutes before they closed and got my checks depositied. I got back on a bus to go home and the routes had changed teribly. It used to be an almost straight shot home, but now its a big loop and took an additional 40 min or so to get home. I left work at 5:11 and got home at almost 7:30 and all I did was make a deposit at the bank.

When I got off the bus, I was quite lucky. I saw a neighbor I recognized. I said hello and he looked at me puzzled wondering how I knew his name, and why I was walking. I explained my car wouldn't start and I didn't know if it was the battery or the starter or a flywheel or what, and I haven't had any help to get the bolts removed to open the hood (since the accident) and what not. Bob was so nice, we walked to my car and took a look at it. He went and got his tools and offered to charge my battery. I decided that it would take much less time, and the results would be more dependable if I got another new battery. I couldn't remember when I bought that battery. We put the battery in my car and she cranked right up :) AHHHH. So nice being able to drive!

I got home and began paying bills. Finally a little less stress!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cash Crunch

I called my boss this morning to ask him when I could count on having my paycheck.
I knew it wasn't late or anything, but I have bills that must be paid and I have to get the check to the bank and have it counted towards what I can pay out.
He said he just got back into town late the night before, so he would be comming in the next morning with it. I told him OK. He could hear the stressed tone in my voice obiously, because he came that day and brought up my check. Plus, he gave me a fairly large bonus check to help me get back on track. Thank God for that.

My friend offered me a ride home in a cab, so I took it.
Got home lightining fast, but wasn't able to go to the bank.
Not time to make it to the bank before they closed.
I made an attempt, but I showed up 40 min after they closed.
Without a vehicle, it is difficult to work normal hours and make it to a good bank to deposit your check! I figure I will take care of it on the way to work the next morning or on the way back from work.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Storm of perfection

There is a great storm going on in and around me.

The deeply rooted negativity is being uprooted giving way to the little seeds of positivity to grow.

I see it like a great fire in a rainforest caused by a lightningstrike during a storm clearing out dry brush and creating fertile soil for new growth to come and take its place.

Oh Dear Lord let it be so.
Let this madness have a purpose we come to understand as we come to understand you.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Didn't check the post

I worked a hard day at the day job. I am trying to train my mother to replace me in the event I go off for a paid vacation and on the time I cannot be there to service the customers. It can be quite a challenge. I got started hours before I got to work. I got to work and there was plenty of work to be done.

Then I tried to show up for the night checker job. and I realized that I was not on the schedule
The managers didn't know what to do when I showed up. I only stayed clocked in for a few min, so maybe a $1 donation will go to the United Way. I left.


I made it to my doctor's office for a two week followup. He wanted to see how I was doing on my new antianxiety medication. He checked Coordination and Gait: Cerebellar Function. I am actually doing quite well and it is now time to slightly increase the dose. I went into work a little early. I handled some things around the office. Kept myself fairly busy. Now I have about an hour left with not much to do, but If I look hard enough, I will find more work. Just a little escape and I will be right back into it. Work keeps finding me!

Only 20 Min to GO!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Lazy Sunday

I upped my anti-anxiety meds a bit...and ZONKED the F out man!
I take it around 10 am and 10 PM.
I got up around 9 piddled around the house a bit and
It was too late for me to make it comfortably to church, so I kinda blew that off.
by 10 I took my meds and ZONK.
Next thing I knew I realized I stayed in bed till 5 PM!


I got up and did a little laundry, a little bit or organizing. I went to my car to clean it out, and I couldn't believe it....I found my 2006 taxes! Arg, I didn't have to pay tax act for another copy, I didn't have to pay Randall's for another copy...but it had already been done. Ah the irony!

Well anyways, I wanted to do some more sorting through coupons and stuff.
I have a huge mess of clothes that need to be given back to the right people, clothes that need to be donated to charity, clothes that need to be washed and hung back up, coupons that need to be trimmed out and sorted and expired coupons that need to be thrown away.

I got started around 7:30 and I couldn't make myself stop. It was 11 PM before I stopped.

I went over to watch a movie with a couple of friends. It was one I rented that I thought would be more of a mystery thriller type, turns out the gore was more than any of us were ready to take. "I know who killed me" A woman was gagged, drugged, and tortured in the movie. The guy that was torturing her clamped dry ice on the top and bottom of her hand and destroyed it. It was just too sick. We all almost vomited then and ejected the DVD and played Super Bad. Much more entertaining to us.

I went home and went to bed.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Existence of Miracles - Existence is a Miracle

I honestly don't remember too much from my weekend......wait its coming back....

There were things I wanted to get done, but little got done.

I did hang out with some friends. Most came over to my place to hang out a bit.

OH YEA, I remember.... Saturday afternoon around 1 PM or so, I got moving a bit. I went around with a friend checking out different stores. I could not spend any money at all. My friend spent over a hundred bucks on an exhaust kit for his little toy remote control car. I played a few rounds of Yahtzee! with my friend when we got back to his palce. That was pretty cool cheap entertainment. We watched Rob and Big. That was some funny stuff as well.

I went to the country club at night and hung out with some neighbors as it got later in the evening.

Went to bed around 11 PM or so.

Nothing too exciting, but not too lonely either. Good weekend. I even got to see my good friend that worked for me a while and my friend that is still a cancer survivor.

Ah the miracles in life. Something came up about how many miracles we don't recognize, and I told my friend...."I recognize you" he smiled and said "I recognize you as well".

In a deep sense, just the fact we exist is a miracle, but on an even deeper level the amount of adversity we have overcome, it is miraculous that we are still here.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Cool Friday

I'm keeping my cool this Friday for sure. I woke up a little later than I wanted to. I got up and hurried out the door without breakfast or coffee. I grabbed some water from the trunk of my car and also found my Mountain Man trail mix and milk chocolate coffee beans. Ahhh Perfect. I'll make it through the day fine. Not too bad getting to work. There was a litle ice out there, but it wasn't bad.

Not much going on at the office. Usual friday though. A little ice on the roads, so even fewer people showed up to work. I printed up some tent cards and did a very nice job. I delivered them to the sales development manager that requested them in a box lid. A few people have asked some simple questions, but nothing major has happened.
Only a little over a couple of hours of this and I can go home.

Thankfully I have my Rhapsody hooked up and some headphones so I can stay in my own world. Damn beaver beat me at chess over and again though. I never really was any good though.

BRRRR It's cold out there!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Insane Productivity

It allways seems that when the work does come in, it comes in all at once and is expected to be produced at once.

We will go days with very little activity. The most excitement is a paper jam or a fax that didn't have a cover sheet on it.

Today, however was one of those days when I received a 4 lists of 25 people to send postcards to that I had to decipher and input into spreadsheets, had to send 40 personal intro letters with folded inserts on brochures, help produce reports for the managers to give them an birds-eye view of what is going on, and had over 100 personal brochures to print for an agent, look up 100 prospects for 4 people and provide lists for them. I did the usual daily moving around the thousands of sheets of paper to all the copiers and printers in the office . An amazing amount of productivity 40 Letters folded in envelopes with postage sent 75 post cards made from scratch, 400 prospects looked up and reporting done. I go so much done. When I bragged to my boss what all I got done in one day, his response was it should be that way every day.

God I need a place where I am appreciated more.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Drivin In Dallas

While driving to work the beginnings of a poem "Drivin In Dallas" came to my head.

It goes like this:

Makin' Turns from middle lanes
Jumpin' Tracks while dodging trains

Drivin in Dallas

Suddenly a parking lot
I think he'll stop...or maybe not!

Drivin in Dallas

Carpet van of aliens
Smashes a Mercedes Benz

Drivin in Dallas

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Long Day

Today I woke up really early beacause I went to bed really early last night.
I didn't have to be at work until noon, but I came in a little early.
I trained my help at work on some things.
Got some work done.

Got a few projects from people that are much more involved than they realize.
I have someone that gave me a list of over 150 zip codes I had to type in to get a list of only 11 people that fit his criteria.

Anyways... Only about 45 minutes of this stuff and then I can go home for a few minutes and get ready for working at the grocery store for a few hours.

What fun.

Long day.

Only one of these long days a week though, so its not too bad.

I wonder who will be elected...ho hum. I couldn't even decide! I never want any of the candidates in there really.

I just don't want the troops spit on when we pull out!

I'll just keep my head in the sand.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Cold Monday - No energy

Just a Monday. Nothing special. The outside temperature was drastically colder than yesterday. Not too much to do at work. Rather a boring day really.

I went home and did next to nothing. Didn't go get any half price pizza or anything. Wished I had someone to lounge around with. Probably should have gotten dressed for the treadmill. Instead I got dressed for lounging and slept half the night with the lights on.

One of the says hopefully I will get in the rhythm of better habits.

I need more energy.

I have to find a new source for energy. It used to be stress. I can't have that anymore!

Need Energy!

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Today was a very cloudy day. I slept too much perhaps. Yesterday I missed a church function and today I missed church. My mind was about as cloudy as the weather. I felt a bit lonely, but motivated to make some new friends. I am still exercising caution as usual. I lack energy. I know I am not the only one with that problem today, but it seems extreme with me today. I am so sluggish but I think it is because I ran on hyper drive for so long that when I was finally medicated to slow down a bit I needed some rest. I hope for that balance of happiness, peacefulness, and calmness while still having energy to perform the necessary tasks that lay in front of me.

Oh so another lonely night. I am thankful for my bird. He keeps me company.
Ah, I know where I am at, and I know where I am going.

Good things are to come.
Love cannot be rushed.

I am thankful that I have a job.
I am getting ready for another work week.
I finally escaped for a bit though! Finally!