Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Flake Off!

Someone I met online was supposed to come and visit me, but he ran out of time. He had other things to do. We were just going to go for coffee and chat some. He sent me a text to revert back to hanging out on Saturday. I quickly responded no worries. He sent another text saying he hated being a flake and that it is difficult having a night work schedule. I sent him a text that said Flake off! lol just kidding my schedule gets crazy at times to. I just thougt it would be funny. Anyways...So I din't do much today. All I did was fight sleep at work and take care of the small things that came up as they came up. When I got home, I laid down for about an hour and was amazed how much better I looked and felt even though I didn't sleep any.

I listened a bit to NPR news here an there about the Democratic National Convention. It depresses me that our nation is so divided. Even the Democratic party is divided, though they say they have unified. The president takes more blame for the good and the bad that happens in the country and the world then they really have in influence in in my opinion. I try to stay optimistic about things, but all I hear about is a worsening economy that experts don't forsee a postive change in the immediate future. I try to stay on task for myself, but the challenge gets harder as the economy gets tougher. Health care has gone up, gas prices have gone up, food prices have gone up, and I haven't seen a raise in years. Jobs dissappear as quickly as they pop up it seems. But I know it is possible to overcome all of this. People have done it in the past in similar economic conditions. It won't be easy, but it will be nice to look back and see how far I have come.

All I can do is take each step one by one and be thankful for any progress, even if it is keeping from sliding further into debt.

I did a little housework. I went to bed around 10 PM. I didn't sleep very well, but I did sleep.

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