Thursday, August 14, 2008

Half day of work

My boss said he would be in today, so he said I could come in around noon. The day went by pretty fast.

Some faxes came in that had to be handled, and I had a package to get together, and I had mail to process and various requests.

I contemplated and researched various ways of implementing an automated accounting system based by user name for the company I am working for. Without cooperation from the IT department, it is going to be impossible. If we could get separate log-ins in the community PC room, then tracking it becomes fairly easy. If we can't get that, then tracking it would rely on very robust and expensive software, which we would still have to have permission to install on the company machines.

This may leave only one option, which is a really annoying option: manually counting the jobs as they are coming off the printer and logging it for each user. This is something that I guess wouldn't be too bad because I would at least have something to keep me very busy. Someone is printing on that printer constantly....however if reasonable limits are set, then that would curb the usage of it and the printer would not be as busy.

I worked on updating some marketing pieces and putting out some sample brochures to replace those that mysteriously disappeared.

I feel like I don't get enough credit for my creative ability. There isn't a system in place to profit from it. I don't get to do things that I enjoy often enough. There are certain tasks I do enjoy much more than others. Repetitive mundane tasks where I am working for someone else who seems to have it made while I am struggling day to day is driving me nuts.

It seems at times I am doing 90% of the work and getting less than 50% of the pay. I don't know how accurate those figures are, but it really seems that way. I know that I am physically at the office every day dealing with a variety of stuff, while my boss makes it for only a few hours once a week.

My boss has gone on multiple vacations, has a nice house, goes to the movies and to shows frequently, drives a nice car, yet he seems unhappy with his life.

I haven't seen a vacation in over seven years unless you count some time off to recover from a bad bike accident or the times I was unemployed. My car is in terrible shape. The only movies I can afford are the dollar rental new releases or going to see them at the local country club. My insurance rates are high, I am in a load of debt, I am barely making enough money to cover my rent and utilities while I try to pay towards my debt.

I do want to work. I enjoy doing the things I have done in the past but haven't had much activity with. I enjoy processing mail, designing mail pieces, producing mailings using mail merge and folding machines, making signs, doing database work, setting up web pages, working with various machines. I like variety. I can't stand mundane work, though I tolerate it when it is the only thing that I can find to sustain me.

I really need help getting on a better career path or figuring out how to make my current situation more rewarding. It is too uncomfortable at this rate in this economy.

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