Sunday, August 24, 2008

Heat Exhaustion

I've been a bit lazy lately anyways.

I slept in today.

I woke up to my stereo early in the morning, but decided to go back to sleep for a little bit. I figured I would sleep for a couple of hours more, but it wound up being another four hours. I went out and partied a little too much the night before. I actually didn't get home until after 3 AM. I was thankful that I made it home safely. Staying out that late can be dangerous in this world. I might not have gone home early if I was bolder, but I was playing on the safer side.

So, I wasn't real pleased with my actions... I spent quite a bit of money in pursuit of earthly pleasures. I was pretty much physically exhausted so I just didn't get out of bed in time for church. When I did get up, I called a friend and asked what she was up to. She said she was going to have a little cookout. I wound up going over there a short drive in my car, but blazing heat with the heater blowing. When I got there, there wasn't much of an air conditioner over there. I hung out for about five hours or so in the heat. The temperatures were in the ninety's.

My friend had decided to become a gourmet chef for the night. She spent hours laboring over stuffed chicken relleno peppers in four cheeses served on rice. It was a hit with everyone. It really did taste good. After dinner, I was exhausted. I left saying I was going to go home and do laundry, but instead ended up going to bed as soon as I got home (about 9 PM) I didn't take my 10 o clock pill, and woke up in the middle of the night. I skipped my dose and figured I would get back on track the next morning.

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