Saturday, August 2, 2008

Enduring the Blazing Heat

Today I had two events to attend for our 10 year high school reunion.

I drove my Honda that needs radiator fans in the 100 degree plus heat running my heater. The picnic wasn't far away, but we were under a pavilion out in the heat.

I stayed until about 2 PM. I didn't show up at was a little difficult after staying out late that night. It was nice catching up some more with a friend who had moved away to south Texas.

I went home and took a shower and washed some clothes and got ready for the evening.

I drove to my parent's house in Garland in my hot car. I had missed my exit to the highway partially because I got distracted by an incoming phone call. It was a hot ride sitting through the red lights. I finally arrived at my parents house, and they weren't back when I got there, I was waiting out in the heat for a little while. When I got inside it felt much cooler to me. It was hot to my parents. My parent's air conditioner had gone out that day. The high temperatures around this time was 107. Fortunately, they have a couple rooms that have window units and were able to survive the heat by staying in those rooms.

My very good friend showed up in her air conditioned truck and we went off to the country club where the big official reunion was held. I had a wonderful time. I got to catch up some with some people I knew in high school, and some of the others I wished I had gotten to know. I had a marvelous time. It was worth the money and enduring the heat. It was a very classy event and I really enjoyed the lasagna.

While at the Formal reunion, I got the award for having the oldest car. There were others with older cars, but only 9 out of the 30 people that showed up filled out the survey, so the results were a bit skewed.

I returned to my parent's home around 1 AM, and wound up talking with my mother till nearly 4 AM worried about my brother who had been knocked around a bit on his business trip.

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