Monday, August 18, 2008

Mundane Monday

Well its actually nice to be able to use that phrase.

Monday wasn't too bad. Nothing too exciting. It was drizzling outside all day. I tried to keep myself productive at work. I was disappointed to hear that my brother's car broke down while he was trying to take my mother to physical therapy. Thankfully everyone got to a safe place. I haven't been doing much the past few days. I really just laid around for hours when I got home. I got my bird out of his cage for a little bit. I haven't even had dinner yet, and tomorrow is going to be a very long day. I should be working basically a 12 hour day (with about an hour and a half break after 8 hours). I am glad to have the work, but I am sure low on energy levels. I wish the grocery prices were falling with the gas prices. I know I need to be eating better. I haven't had much to eat today at all. I had a couple bowls of cereal (Raisin Bran) for breakfast, and one double stack from Wendy's for lunch. I guess I am going to eat a peanut butter sandwich for dinner.

Ho hum, the life....But hey, I am still glad to be here!

I am thankful that I have a private kitchen, a private shower, clothes that aren't too ratty, a job, and I know people that care about me.

How's about that?! It has been my intent to focus on the things that I am grateful for and leave each blog entry with a positive note. Doing this puts a positive spin on my life. I am working at getting back to that.

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