Sunday, August 10, 2008

Good Conversations

I didn't go to church this morning because I was lazy. I am missing that worship experience. I feel a need to get closer. I guess I have the excuse this time that it was nearly 5 AM when I finally got to sleep after my mother's injury. She had gone to another hospital and waited for hours for a re-constructive surgeon to show up that didn't make it in. It was nearly 9 AM when my parents got home. (Nearly twelve hours after the accident)

I called one friend and talked about the experience at the hospital last night. He ranted and raved about how this a direct result of the actions of the left wing Democratic party. In contrast to the sign that says patients are sometimes taken in order of need of the severity of the illness or injury, the hospital took people in the order of when they come in, not necessarily in the order of the greatest need. If it is life threatening, that's a different story...but other than that...first come first serve. He ranted about how the Democrats need that vote and the ones that come in for a head cold are seen before someone bleeding and needing stitches because it might look bad if a non-minority person got ahead of a minority for any reason. I think the actions of the hospital workers were less thought out than that really. I just saw a lack of compassion. I did see one person who showed compassion and helped, but he was not working in the capacity to do much more than wrap up her hand.

I called up the mother of a good friend of mine. She is a tough lady. Although some miles separate us and we are not in constant contact, she is somewhat of a second mom to me. She is a great listener and a person with a strong faith. She knows what it is like to deal with pain and adversity and how you have to persevere. She prays for my family and I. We talked for over an hour and it was very nice to catch up. She was there to listen and to help me sort through some of what was on my mind. She was also there to encourage me to fight the good fight.

My mom called me and let me know she was up for a bit. She said she wasn't comfortable, but she wasn't in excessive pain. She was in pretty good spirits. She apologized she wouldn't be bringing me leftovers to work tomorrow...I told her there was no need to apologize for that I apologized that I couldn't cook for her. I am not as good in the kitchen as my mom.

I didn't do much else today. I've been a bit lazy and lethargic. I did get my bird out of his cage for a bit and show him some attention.

I will probably get out of the house for a little bit before the night is over.

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