Monday, September 1, 2008

There's only Love, There's only Grace

The words that are in my head come from a wonderful Christian music artist Matthew West. (Rhapsody Link)

I am driving legally on grace, but it won't last long like this. I need to get my car inspected, and to pass legally there will be some work to do. I hope to get on the road legally without breaking the bank.

If I have to go without a car, I am not sure how well I will cope without it. It would take me an hour to get to work via bus and train versus a 15 minute drive. I have done this before, but the bus schedule worked a bit better for me.

I was looking for someone to talk to, I even called a few people and got voice mails and left no message. I have been in this situation for a while and most of my friends know what's going on anyways. Someone called me. She told me how she has recently gone through an abrupt divorce and had to go out and fend for herself. She had to rely on family for help long enough to get a place to stay to get back on her feet. I hadn't heard the bad news. I was glad to hear from her. She didn't call to tell me the bad news, she assumed I already knew. She called to tell me the good news. She has an apartment of her own and a couple of jobs and she got her car back on the road. She called me to tell me how her faith has pulled her through. She was there for me. She is praying for me. This is someone who had lost her faith in God for for many years, over ten years. Her faith is now strong.

I am reminded how much Love God has for us.

How adversity many times brings us closer to God.

I have seen miracles in my life.
I know we will all have our struggles, but I know that there is love and grace.
I know my God lives.

My God is greater than any problem I face.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
Philippians 4:13

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