Saturday, September 6, 2008

Maybe Monday?

Well my car wasn't ready yet.

They basically told me to call back at the end of the next business day again. I am trying to be patient, I feel that is the best route. Some things you just can't rush. I would much rather the time be spent to get it to the best they can with what they have to work with than for them to rush it out the door ready to fall apart.

I didn't go see my grandparents with my parents because I didn't want to try to make it to to their place without my car to ride all the way out there to my grandparents and then come back. It would make for a very long day and I really had some stuff to handle. I had hoped that I would be picking up my car and getting it inspected, but that didn't happen. I had stayed up a little late the night before doing some housework.

I did a little bit of housework again today. I went and got a burrito over at the local Chipoltle. It was a good fill for lunch. I was thankful a friend of mine treated me to the lunch.

I spent some time with some friends that stopped by. I watched an interesting video about HAARP, a program funded by the United States government to blast radio frequencies into the atmosphere for various experiments. There are people quite concerned about the magnitude of what they are playing with. They are making temporary holes in our atmosphere using radio frequencies making the sky light up and get very hot. The physicists doing the experiments say it is not much different that what the sun is doing as it shines on the atmosphere, but it is. There are different reasons they claim to be studying this stuff. These kinds of things can alter weather patterns. It is beyond my comprehension how much what they are doing could affect the living organisms on our planet. Nevertheless, the experiments still go on.

I got very hungry and decided to go to an all you could eat buffet at Cicis. I ate a ton of stuff. It isn't the most nutritious food, but I got to eat large amounts of it. I don't want to loose any more weight at this point. I would love to get in better shape though.

Guess it is time to turn in and get some sleep.

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