Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Back on the road!

My car is back on the road! (Watch out for a silver car with a black hood!) I got it out of the body shop and over to an inspection station and passed. It feels good to be back on the road. The car still has its share of imperfections, but I don't have to worry about it getting towed away or getting a ticket for not having current inspection credentials. It is back to getting me to and from work quickly and being able to go outside of the public transportation routes and time frames. It took me about 45 minutes to an hour to get to work using pubic transportation. When I have a car, I can generally get to and from work in less than 20 minutes.

I am in a very tight financial spot, but I am working hard to keep everything current and make progress. I am fairly good at keeping my expenses low. For the most part I am living paycheck to paycheck and my credit is pushed too close to the limits for my comfort or the comfort of lenders. I have hopes of finding ways of generating more income for myself in a slow economy. Perhaps I can make myself start selling some of the items I don't use anymore on Ebay! I hope this slow economy picks up sooner than expected.

I am very thankful to have a car that gets me around legally.
I am thankful for computer equipment that I can use to communicate with the world.
I am thankful for the progress that my mom is making in therapy.
I am thankful for the extra hours while she recovers.
I am thankful for the healing I have seen in those around me.
I am hopeful for personal healing and financial success. (I think both really hinge on self discipline and enlightenment)
I am thankful for reconciled friendships.

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