Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lazy and lethargic

I've been very lazy and lethargic today. I didn't do much at all.

I did decorate some little books I got from that I will be passing out with church members at a large parade in Dallas next week. This is an event I look forward to. A great opportunity to share Gods word of love with the community.

I didn't go to church this morning though. I woke up early, but I just didn't want to get up. I didn't feel like I had the energy.

I left the apartment to get a smoothie and and again later to get a burrito, but other than that I have been hanging round the apartment. I did a bit of cleaning and throwing out expired and contaminated foods from my pantry.
The weather was absolutely beautiful. I didn't get out and enjoy enough of it.

I sold my buss pass, which I will turn around and get some gas with. Things have a way of working out it seems.

I was glad to hear that my grandparents did not go very long electricity after the storms rolled through.

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