Sunday, September 21, 2008

25th Annual Allan Ross Freedom Parade

I went to the Dallas Gay pride parade today. I went because I saw it as a great outreach opportunity. There are many hands out there grabbing wanting some kind of souvenir to take home. Most really just wanted beads and candy. I passed out almost a thousand little booklets filled with some of my favorite verses of the gospel. I was actually in the parade for the third time. The theme of the parade was remembering our past and celebrating our future. Our church had a float of church pews and a stained glass window. After the parade, I got away from the crowd and cooled off a bit. I did get a bit sunburned while I was walking around out there. I should have used sunscreen. It wasn't too bad though. I really didn't socialize much though. I just kept to myself feeling alone in a world of thousands once again. I did have those from my church that I knew. I was glad to have the opportunity to pass out those little gospel booklets. I pray that they bless many people. I feel that it is so much more noble to pass those booklets of gospel out showing the love of God from God's word rather than trying to use one scripture out of the bible on a protest sign to control other's lives.

A couple friends came over and I stayed up until about 11 PM. We just sat and chilled an hung out. Our friend Jim Beam was hanging out with us a bit to. My friend brought him over from El Paso.

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