Sunday, September 7, 2008

Made it to church, not exactly on time.

I missed the very beginning of the service this morning.

I rode the DART bus to church. It was a fairly quick route, it took me only about thirty minutes to get to church on the bus. There was a huge emphasis on the need for more volunteer help in the education ministry and the appreciation of those that are currently involved and those that have been involved in the past. I enjoyed the service and I enjoyed having pasta with the pastors after church. It's a monthly thing we do. After service, we get together in the activity center and have some pasta. I really needed the food, and the fellowship was nice as well.

I was very glad I made it to church. I was glad to see so many of the fellow members still coming to church there. I want to make myself be more dedicated to going to church and I am wanting to get more involved in the church. I am committed to a huge outreach opportunity. This event is one that I look forward to because I will be passing out a taste of God's love through his word to people that many times have been shunned and turned away by some churches.

Someone I used to talk to on the bus a bit was at church today and asked how I was getting home. I told her I hadn't really figured it out yet. She offered to give me a ride home, and I accepted gladly. She lives very close to where I do. I talked with her a little bit about how I am wanting to get more involved and have considered joining the choir. She gave me her phone number and offered to give me a ride to church if I wanted. There are several people at my church that would do the same. That's one thing I love about my church. People help each other in my church.

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