Thursday, January 24, 2008

Rolling with the punches Rising to the Challenge


Yesterday, as I got in my poor beat up vehicle to go home...I realized that the battery seemed to have no power at all. Nothing electronic was working...not even the slightest beep. It started fine to get me to work.....and I parked on a flat surface on the fourth level of a car garage...Unfortunately the hood is bolted down, so getting a jump isn't too easy. I pushed it halfway across the garage over to the down ramp....someone showed up and helped and gave me a little push and I went sailing down the little ramp.....had it in first...popped the clutch ...nothing...sailed down a bit more..popped the clutch... YAY.. Life had ignited in my poor seemingly dead beat up car.

On the drive home, I drove around a disabled vehicle in my lane...and heard a crunch. I was afraid then I had run over something that might cause a leak in my tire. Sure enough this morning when I got up I had an almost flat tire. Fortunately I had an n electric portable tire pump in my trunk. I got enough air in it to hold me up on the way to work.

Thank God I got home and I got back here anyways, despite the obstacles.

Seem to every time I need to!

Rolling with the punches
Rising to the challenge!

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