Saturday, January 26, 2008

Protection + Healing Prayer

Most High and Glorious God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I praise, thank, exult, magnify, glorify, worship and adore Your for who You are and all You have given me and beg forgivness for my sins. PLEASE cover me with the protective Precious Blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ (Col 1:20) and increase Your Holy Spirit in me with all the graces I need to live Your abundant life today(John 10:10c).

Holy Spirit, please remove more blocks in me to receiving and sharing Your love and grace, heal more of my negative emotionis and wounds in my heart and spirit; and sever and break all spells, curses, hexes, voodoo, witchrcraft and negative genetic, intergenerational, addictive, compulsive, subconsious, uncionsious, and abusive material pasts, present and to come, known and unknown, aganst me, my relationships and family, finances and posessions, ministry an transportation vehicles.

I ask forgiveness of my own body for not taking care of it and forgive its negative reactions to us removing all tension and stress, fear and worry. I forgive and ask forgiveness of others for my sins and failings (Mt 6:14-15) and ask that my whole person body and mind, heart and will, sould and spirit, memories and emotions, attitudes and values, fantasies, daydreams, imagination and subcionsious be healed (Mk 6:56), transformed (Rom 12:2) , and empowered by Your Holy Spirit( Acts 1:8 )

In the Name of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit I bind and break the commands of ruling spirits to harm us in any way for purpose even in the fire, air, satanic forces of nature and all communication media and render their orders null and void leaving no area where any negative forces, spirits an their emissaries can get at us, and to tall these spirits I command you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, to leave us peacefully and quietly and go immediately and directly to the Eucharistic presence of Jesus Christ in the closest Catholic Church tabernacle to be disposed of by Jesus and never return to harm us. Jesus, please heal the effects of these spirits in and around us.

Dear Holy Spirit, Fill me to overflowing with all You have for me and set me totally on Fire with Your consuming and purifying love so that I can be Your Light and Blessing in the world today. I pray in the Names of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Francis & Claire.

Imaculate Heart of Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, Seat of Wisdom, Cause of our joy and Queen of Peace plase pray with and for me. Amen.

It is helpful to pray this each moring. Please copy and share this prayer. We are temples of God an all in Spiritual Warfare yet we have the final Victory in Jesus Christ.

Copied from and complements of Fr. Bob Hilz, Dallas, TX (given to me by him)

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