Saturday, January 26, 2008

Ah, another day in the physical world.

Not too bad of a day. Stressed out a bit for no good reason. Just the usual life you know.
Trying to make ends meet. Trying to make the money and blowing it faster than I can make it.
Worked a very hard day. Got lots of work done.

Started to go out to a club with a few friends but didn't make it before I passed out for a nap.
Went out late.
Some people just don't seem to have any respect. People drop and break glasses in clubs and walk away. People throw litter around. People don't even acknowledge your presence sometimes.

As I go on through this day I take comfort again in a world beyond.
I beg for the desire and ability to make healthier choices.

Life isn't about bars, alcohol, and sex.
So may people out there don't get that concept.

I know it is love am searching for...and I just seem to hang out in the wrong places sometimes.

As the memories of the lonely night fade, I encompass myself with the Love from above..


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