Monday, January 21, 2008

Day One of my first official Blog!

Too much on the brain! Had to to get some of it out!

My physical body is aching and tired and worn down and weary.

While my soul floats around, I pound out a few lines on the keyboard. My spirit is lifted in mysterious ways while my body drags. Melonchony days.

I feel as if I know where I am at and I know where I am going. I am headed to a place of triumph, of victory and I am not going alone. I am going with the strength of Jesus Christ and I am taking as many as I can.

At times it feels af if I am under attack. My transportation vechiles, my way of earning a living, my emotional state, my family. I will stand strong. I can do all things in christ who strengthens me! The witching hour it is at the moment! Amazing!

Jesus' sweet mercy covers me.

As I lay me down to sleep, my soul dear Lord I pray you keep.

Good night world!

The joy of the Lord fills my soul!

May the peace of the Lord be with you!