Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Credit card holder bill of rights

The credit card bill of rights just passed does not seem to be in the consumers best interest for those already in debt. It will help those that have not gotten themselves in debt yet by restricting the availability of credit and in the future and keep their rates from going up unexpectedly for no reason. For those already in debt, I think it will do more harm than good. The credit card companies have nine months to raise the rates to the hilt, and they probably will, because there is nothing stopping them from doing it now, and they won't be able to as easily in the future. This will make it harder for those already in debt to switch to lower interest cards.

There is nothing in place for lowering the interest rates of the debt we are already carrying. The credit card companies will be able to just tack on more annual fees to stick it to the consumer. This may push more people into bankruptcy, something I really want to avoid. Why pay lawyers, court fees, credit counseling fees, and such, that would equal a large portion of my debt, all the while the credit card companies get nothing back and my credit is ruined. All the while, I wonder if there is no avoiding it.

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