Monday, May 18, 2009

Focus on the good.

I can't seem to focus on prosperity. My mind sees sickness, homelessness, debt, poverty, insufficiency everywhere.

I need to focus on the good. I still have some cash in the bank, two jobs, I am still paying on my debts, I am still paying my rent.

Progress is progress. I predict to be making about $500 a month progress for a while.

What I may owe on my apartment at the end of the lease is probably going to be a big set back, easily exceeding all of the progress I have made in a year. I won't know what those numbers will be until I find another place to stay. So far, I can't seem to find a place worth making the move to. I am reluctant to move into another place I may not be able to afford. It seems like I could find stability if I could just hit zero and find a lower cost place to stay. If I hit zero where I am currently, I could wind up in owing crazy amounts of money at the end of the lease. If the lease is not fulfilled, it could be thousands that I owe just in discounts. A one hundred dollar deposit isn't enough to cover the damages that happened in five years in my apartment either.

Affordable housing in dallas seems to be a myth. The housing authority is not even taking applications for discounted housing right now because the wating list got so long.

What's a stressed young man like myself to do?

Try to focus on the good.

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