Sunday, November 2, 2008

Made it to church

I actually went to church this morning. The assistant pastor read a letter from our pastor who has been away battling stage four cancer. He was diagnosed with melanoma and lymphoma. He has been cut up quite a bit by surgeons. They had to remove multiple tumors and they are going to be doing radiation therapy on a tumor on his knee. He wrote a very touching letter about what he has been going through and how he appreciates the thoughts and prayers and cards and flower and gifts and rides that some from the church have provided. He encouraged each of us to fight through our personal struggles as well. So much of this life can be overwhelming at times. We held our regular communion, and even had our monthly pasta with the pastors. After I ate, I spoke with a friend that lives very close to me. I could relate so much to a whole lot of what she has been through. I struggle with the same stuff to somewhat a lesser degree. So far, I have been able to continue to make it to work. I hope that I can keep my courage and strength up and continue to function and provide for myself.

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