Saturday, November 1, 2008

Visit with Parents and Grandparents

My mother called and told me they were had decided to go see my grandparents this morning. I had plans to meet up for brunch with church family and I was headed out the door when I got the call. I decided to let my friends at church know that I wasn't going to be able to come because I had this opportunity to go see my grandparents and plans had fallen through several times recently to do that. I enjoyed having breakfast with my parents at a Waffle House along the way. I ate two waffles and two scrambled eggs. It seems as if I have been requiring quite a bit of calories to keep my weight on lately.

I got to see my grandfather. He seemed happy, at least he was smiling and talking some. It is difficult for him to speak clearly since the stroke and brain bleed he experienced. I am thankful he is alive and that there are people around him that care for him. They got a bed downstairs that was big enough to share but not too big as to block the pathways.

There seems to be a great bit of disease about. Yet in all of it, I see people willing to help where they can, people learning to fight the diseases, and people's faith getting stronger through the process. The adversity we face builds our character and brings us together in ways.

I was thankful for time with family.

I gambled with a quarter and one two in one of those arcade style coin machines that have a platform of quarters sitting on the edge waiting to fall. I doubled my money and walked away!

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