Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Back on track

Well, for those of you that actually view this blog and were wondering about me....
I am OK.

With so much going on in the world, and in my small world, I have been a bit out of touch. I have found myself speechless in times that a kind word was really necessary. I have found myself retreating and practically hiding from the general population. I have just been a bit overwhelmed lately. Lazy and lethargic would be an understatement. Although I am working more than forty hours a week and chasing buses, the time I have off I have been very unproductive. The toll that we take on our environment every day, my personal finances, the state of the economy, our growing debt, and other stressors almost had me paralyzed.

I am getting back on track and moving forward. After shutting out "My mind is putty.", these words came to me today:

"My mind is powerful, productive, prosperous, and peaceful.
I live in a world of abundant love, life, joy, and opportunity."

This should be a true statement for everyone, and being able to say it and believe it, it becomes easier to realize. I think it can help you realize your ability and the opportunites and blessings around you. These words blessed me as soon as they entered my mind.

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