Monday, October 20, 2008

Reaching Out

Today, I saw someone online that I hadn't seen in a while.
His name is Dave.

He remembered quite a bit about me. He prayed for a friend of mine who was dealing with major medical issues. That friend has overcome many of those issues. Dave was there to listen to what was on my mind and the struggles I have been going through. He was there to share stories of his life where things worked out in mysterious ways. He shared with me times when things were rough for him. He listened intently to what was bothering me and even called and prayed with me.

It is such a wonderful thing to reach out.

I pray that I can be there for others in the way Dave was there for me tonight.

I am amazed how quickly this night passed me by. Three hours passed like one.

I should be going to bed soon. I have a long day ahead of me. I feel more connected and less alone.

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