Saturday, October 25, 2008

Clicking and popping

No more clicks and pops going around corners in my car.

They fixed it up.

At first they said it was just struts, sold me on four, when I figured I only really needed the front. Then the problem was still there. They said the axles were fine, but when I brought it back, they replaced one of the axles. Now it doesn't click and pop around the corners.

Thank God they didn't try to charge me more. I really didn't have it.

I feel that my car is safe enough to drive now.

Very thankful for that. Very. I thought I had been given a chance to get it fixed and blew it... but thankfully it got fixed.

I am elated and grateful.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Amazing Grace

There is no question in my mind that God is revealing power in my life.
The last digits of the odometer when leaving the park and ride read 777 today. I have been blessed in some interesting ways.
The spiritual truths ring true.

I helped someone without asking for anything in return a while back. I wanted to prove what I could do for others to help sell my services as I was trying to get my business off the ground. The business has laid dormant all year. This person had great concern for me. She asked what was wrong, why I was so gloomy. Me, being the honest person I am, I spilled my guts. I told her the things that were getting me down. She got a check in my name to help fix one of the major things getting me down and holding me back. There was nothing obligating her to help, she said she just wanted to help because I helped her and she could. The help she offered was more than I would have valued the services I helped her with. I reluctantly accepted the check, and am extremely grateful for it. I hope that I make good use of it. I haven't deposited it yet. My car is desperate need of repair. Some would say it is a total loss. It probably would be if you are concerned about more than functionality. I hope that what I put into it will make it last me a while. The amount I am spending is less than I could buy another reliable car for.

I read about a rash of car fires around the area caused by people trying to drill into gas tanks to steal gas. I called my insurance company to see if that had happened to me, would I be covered. Nope. I dropped my comprehensive when they raised my rates after I had an accident. I am not sure weather or not to try to initiate that again. These decisions can make or break you, and it is difficult to predict what could happen.

I had found myself speechless and overwhelmed in a time that I wanted to offer a kind word. I got a card for my pastor who is fighting a very serious type of cancer. I found a card with the words I have been searching for. Sometimes i guess you have to leave it to the pros. I am going to send that into the mail tomorrow.

With such relief, I have tendencies to splurge a bit. I pray to keep myself in check and on task.

I have lost contact with a good friend. He isn't answering my calls. I hope he is OK.

I have had horrid thoughts about the future, and I try so hard to replace it with what I want more than what I fear is coming.

What we think about is what expand and what we are drawn to.

God's amazing grace rains down.

I have had a spectrum of emotions today. I should be extremely happy jumping up and down with joy because of major breakthroughs. Yet, I find myself questioning weather or not I should have been given such a break, and will the one who gave me the break regret it? I find myself concerned about how to use the help most effectively. I am grateful, but I am not jumping up and down with joy. I have been given a break that for some would be HUGE, but I have much more to do to work my way out. I cannot let the magnitude of the challenges I face overpower the gratitude of the magnitude of what has been done for me.

It all sits on the table for now.

I know God is in this. Amazing things have happened. God's grace and love shine through.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Reaching Out

Today, I saw someone online that I hadn't seen in a while.
His name is Dave.

He remembered quite a bit about me. He prayed for a friend of mine who was dealing with major medical issues. That friend has overcome many of those issues. Dave was there to listen to what was on my mind and the struggles I have been going through. He was there to share stories of his life where things worked out in mysterious ways. He shared with me times when things were rough for him. He listened intently to what was bothering me and even called and prayed with me.

It is such a wonderful thing to reach out.

I pray that I can be there for others in the way Dave was there for me tonight.

I am amazed how quickly this night passed me by. Three hours passed like one.

I should be going to bed soon. I have a long day ahead of me. I feel more connected and less alone.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Back on track

Well, for those of you that actually view this blog and were wondering about me....
I am OK.

With so much going on in the world, and in my small world, I have been a bit out of touch. I have found myself speechless in times that a kind word was really necessary. I have found myself retreating and practically hiding from the general population. I have just been a bit overwhelmed lately. Lazy and lethargic would be an understatement. Although I am working more than forty hours a week and chasing buses, the time I have off I have been very unproductive. The toll that we take on our environment every day, my personal finances, the state of the economy, our growing debt, and other stressors almost had me paralyzed.

I am getting back on track and moving forward. After shutting out "My mind is putty.", these words came to me today:

"My mind is powerful, productive, prosperous, and peaceful.
I live in a world of abundant love, life, joy, and opportunity."

This should be a true statement for everyone, and being able to say it and believe it, it becomes easier to realize. I think it can help you realize your ability and the opportunites and blessings around you. These words blessed me as soon as they entered my mind.