Saturday, April 18, 2015


Went to the Sherlock Holmes Exhibit with a friend today. I was hurting so bad that I didn't get to really interact with the exhibit. It was more expensive than we realized. The cost of the museum was on top of the cost of the exhibit. $30 a head. We got to see each-other and saw some of the exhibit. I registered today. Feeling good about that. We went to El Fenix. My friend was feeling overwhelmed about the bill, but he had said he would cover it and I would have eaten a sandwich with food stamps otherwise, so I didn't offer to pay.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Fired, Denied Unemployment

Fired over breaking customer policy, being "Excessively Rude" to a customer. This was not an intentional thing, and proving such to the unemployment insurance determination office is a bit of a challenge. I plan to appeal and already have some near job offers with a better hourly rate. Keep on keeping on is what I intend to do.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Been a long time

It has been a very long time since I have posted. I took on a retail job at about half the pay I was used to after a year and a half of not working. I stayed at the job for a year to save up to file for bankruptcy. I got past that and started a job at a call center. I have been working that job full time for over a year. I have been rebuilding my credit. I have been a little frustrated with the low pay and lack of bonuses. They play games with the bonuses around here. I am considering going back to school. I was very fortunate a friend let me rent a condo from him for about six months while it was in limbo. The condo has been sold, but the title has not fully transferred yet. I am still renting the condo and I hope I can work something out with the new owners when the title does transfer.