Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spending time

I am plan on getting more focused and planned on how I am spending my time.
Time is like a dime, you can only spent it once.
(sorry had to make it rhyme ;-) ) (What's a cracker without cheese?!)

I am getting around pretty well now. I also have a little extra time on my hands this week because I didn't get scheduled for many hours at the part time job. This makes little difference to me financially except for the fact that the unemployment account drains a little faster that way (because whatever I make at the part time job is deducted from the unemployment). So for this week, it was welcomed time off.

I decided to go and pop by the Friends ministry and see what I could do to help. It turns out my bagging experience came in handy. I just bagged up some items for clients at their general store. I got to have lunch with some friends and spent the day with some friends up there. It was a great thing to do today since I didn't have much else going on.

I also went for a little shopping excursion afterward. I wasted a little bit of time shopping around though cause I didn't really have any specific thing I needed at some of the places I went to. I was just browsing around. I did get a few items that I had an immediate need for. I did unfortunately buy some things that I didn't have an immediate need for...which is a bad habit I am trying to work on. They were very inexpensive items though, so it wasn't a big deal.

I am going to work at making myself get a more organized with my time.

Spend it more wisely.

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