Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Whew! That was CLOSE!

So I was at happy hour with some friends. I couldn't afford to drink, but I went out anyway. A friend offered me a drink if I'd go pick one up for his friend. I told him I'd love to. Then, on the way home close to eight o'clock PM, I had a flat (completely flat) tire on I30 near Fair Park. Thankfully I was able to exit the highway without crashing out. I got to a gas station, and the guy told me that there was a tire shop just around the corner. I went around the corner and went digging for my spare. It was nowhere to be found :( I asked how much a used tire would be, and they said $30. I had sixteen dollars in one account, ten in another, and four dollars cash! I barely made it out of there with my car! Waiting on a tax refund and hopefully back pay and steady payments on disability insurance. What a trip!

Saturday, April 18, 2015


Went to the Sherlock Holmes Exhibit with a friend today. I was hurting so bad that I didn't get to really interact with the exhibit. It was more expensive than we realized. The cost of the museum was on top of the cost of the exhibit. $30 a head. We got to see each-other and saw some of the exhibit. I registered www.mypainyourgain.com today. Feeling good about that. We went to El Fenix. My friend was feeling overwhelmed about the bill, but he had said he would cover it and I would have eaten a sandwich with food stamps otherwise, so I didn't offer to pay.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Fired, Denied Unemployment

Fired over breaking customer policy, being "Excessively Rude" to a customer. This was not an intentional thing, and proving such to the unemployment insurance determination office is a bit of a challenge. I plan to appeal and already have some near job offers with a better hourly rate. Keep on keeping on is what I intend to do.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Been a long time

It has been a very long time since I have posted. I took on a retail job at about half the pay I was used to after a year and a half of not working. I stayed at the job for a year to save up to file for bankruptcy. I got past that and started a job at a call center. I have been working that job full time for over a year. I have been rebuilding my credit. I have been a little frustrated with the low pay and lack of bonuses. They play games with the bonuses around here. I am considering going back to school. I was very fortunate a friend let me rent a condo from him for about six months while it was in limbo. The condo has been sold, but the title has not fully transferred yet. I am still renting the condo and I hope I can work something out with the new owners when the title does transfer.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

To work or not to work

Odd question.

Seems obvious enough....go out try to find work and work...right?

Not so simple. First, have to be able to find SUITABLE work...and when you are in the amount of pain taking medication that changes levels of neurotransmitters trying to get balanced out, nothing seems like a good fit.

But is that the frame of mind talking, or the physical conditions?

Good question...one might say it is the frame of mind because I have worked in this condition before.....but then you might say that the condition has worsened over time (which it has) and then that theory is now not applicable...

OK, is it really physically impossible to work?

NO. Not if an employer is wiling to work around my disabilities, which does not seem to be happening.

What do I need? Short shifts, a variety of work (can't stand or sit too long), flexible hours to make doctors appointments.

However, finding a good employer at all these days is a challenge, and people have to "suck it up"

There comes a point where no one can compensate you enough for the pain you are being put though, or they refuse to. There comes a point where a person decides to quit putting other people's desires above their own health and needs.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Corinthians 5:8 (I am still here)

I am still here only because God wants me to be.

Some times it it my own selfish desires that wants me to be home with the Lord.

I know it is not my choice when I will go home. This is only in God's hands. Only God knows the day and the hour of when I will go home.

"We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord." - 2 Corinthians 5:8

Monday, May 9, 2011

Rescheduled Meeting

I reschedule a meeting I had on Friday to attend a funeral.

Well, looks like today isn't going to work out for one of the attendees today. (one of the primary).

So, I have more time to organize the meeting to get the most out of it!
