Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Whew! That was CLOSE!

So I was at happy hour with some friends. I couldn't afford to drink, but I went out anyway. A friend offered me a drink if I'd go pick one up for his friend. I told him I'd love to. Then, on the way home close to eight o'clock PM, I had a flat (completely flat) tire on I30 near Fair Park. Thankfully I was able to exit the highway without crashing out. I got to a gas station, and the guy told me that there was a tire shop just around the corner. I went around the corner and went digging for my spare. It was nowhere to be found :( I asked how much a used tire would be, and they said $30. I had sixteen dollars in one account, ten in another, and four dollars cash! I barely made it out of there with my car! Waiting on a tax refund and hopefully back pay and steady payments on disability insurance. What a trip!