Thursday, July 14, 2011

To work or not to work

Odd question.

Seems obvious enough....go out try to find work and work...right?

Not so simple. First, have to be able to find SUITABLE work...and when you are in the amount of pain taking medication that changes levels of neurotransmitters trying to get balanced out, nothing seems like a good fit.

But is that the frame of mind talking, or the physical conditions?

Good might say it is the frame of mind because I have worked in this condition before.....but then you might say that the condition has worsened over time (which it has) and then that theory is now not applicable...

OK, is it really physically impossible to work?

NO. Not if an employer is wiling to work around my disabilities, which does not seem to be happening.

What do I need? Short shifts, a variety of work (can't stand or sit too long), flexible hours to make doctors appointments.

However, finding a good employer at all these days is a challenge, and people have to "suck it up"

There comes a point where no one can compensate you enough for the pain you are being put though, or they refuse to. There comes a point where a person decides to quit putting other people's desires above their own health and needs.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Corinthians 5:8 (I am still here)

I am still here only because God wants me to be.

Some times it it my own selfish desires that wants me to be home with the Lord.

I know it is not my choice when I will go home. This is only in God's hands. Only God knows the day and the hour of when I will go home.

"We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord." - 2 Corinthians 5:8