Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Back Online

I have been astray. I have been online, just haven't been here. So much has happened in the past few weeks. It has been an interesting ride. Back in January of this year, I was laid off from a job I held for about seven years. I have been looking for a suitable replacement ever since I heard the news. I worked a job a couple of weeks ago that I thought was the one, the job that my life had led up to...at least a bridge to the next job. I was working as a patient services coordinator at a fibromyalgia clinic. I had a great time, felt like I learned quite a bit, but unfortunately it was a temporary job and they decided not to keep me.

So, I have been filling my schedule with things other than work again. I am doing some volunteer work, getting some bass practicing in, keeping things a little extra organized at home, and what not, while I look for the ideal position for me.

Financially, I am not doing too bad. I still have a slightly more in the bank than I owe, which is a wonderful feeling especially considering I owed about twelve thousand a couple of years ago and had no money!

I have been messing around a bit looking for that soul mate, and not getting very far. Looking for a job and my soul mate at the same time...fun. I guess I should be looking for a new place to stay too! Yea, that isn't stressful at all now is it?